All these images were taken with 120mm black and white film. I used a method of processing called 'pushing' to get that high contrast look. Hope you like them...
The concept behind this series of photos was to try and promote self beauty and how it doesn't matter what you look like or what you wear or even what your make up is like. Everyone is beautiful, different and unique and everyone should embrace and love themselves.
This shoot was at my Tattooist studio ( I was trying to document how acceptable tattoos have become in this day and age. This is a very delicate art form, it takes a great deal of skill and training to become a great tattoo artist (and great she is!) and this should not be deemed as such a taboo art form.
A local reggae band called BACKBEATSOUNDSYSTEM ( asked me to take photos for them at there live gig in Falmouth supporting Natty wailer and the reggae vibes. And here are the results